Saturday, May 16, 2009

Change in GMAT format ???? Phew, that was close !!!!

As I was going through the net stuff I picked up this stuff that GMAT is going to include 300 more questions. These questions will get included in all the 5 sections of GMAT while the main emphasis is on Data Sufficiency.

In the new format, in the sentence-correction, there is an increased emphasis on pronoun and modifier rules, while there is reduced focus on comparisons and idiom-related questions. Similarly, in the reading comprehension questions, the GMAC has created a balance between short and long passages. Two biology passages have been replaced wih one social science passage and one business-related passage.

In the critical reasoning section, 50 old questions have been replaced with 50 new ones. There has been a decrease of 19 questions in the problem solving section.

GMAT takers worst fear was a change in the GMAT format. But it was not. These are new questions which are getting included in the question database and as of now there is no official change in the GMAT format. But lot of speculations are going around that it will initiate a format change. But the official resources dont think so ;)


  1. Yes. Usually these questions are piled up in the DB according to the difficulty level. From there the system logical program pops out the next question depending on the correctness of the previous answer. Usually these DBs are so huge for any exam takers to remember and form a model out of it. In that way it becomes so very unpredictable and difficult
